Why being a Queen can become a Struggle!


There are five feminine wealth personas and the top two are the Queen and the Icon. Most women aspire to be the Queen and many women are going to be at the Queen level. Now, let me tell you what the Queen looks like:

The Queen is a woman who knows what she wants, she is about her business, she is about her purpose, she is handling things, she knows what needs to be done, she is strategic, she knows her resources, her network, she has no problems getting advisors and counselors. She works hard, she works smart too and she is making things happen! She is the Queen, she is the one people come to for decisions, she is the person that tells people what to do, she is a boss.

Can you relate to that? Many of you are running businesses, many of you are at the upper or mid-level management, Lead, or CEO level and you have a lot on your plate and you have a lot of responsibility And you have to go home, and you are still the Queen at home. There are so many different pieces, you might even be the Queen in your social group. You are the one who gets 5 phone calls when things go wrong with things or with people.

Can you relate to this? Can you relate to being a Queen?

And it is not from an arrogant perspective. A Queen is a leader, a queen is responsible, she is the one who holds court because she is needed. So, as Queen, you don’t get to not show up for court or on the throne.

There are so many “unofficial Queens too. You put in the work but because of how we have been cultured to behave, we try not to be seen as arrogant so we do not wear the crown; and if you don’t wear the crown you are doing the work without the authority. And this is even harder than being an official Queen.

So, being a Queen has its challenges, and I want you to acknowledge your authority. You can be a Queen for about 80% of the time and 20% of the time you have other stuff going on, no one is talking about perfection.

Now, here is the thing. The Queen is the highest form in the practical, strategic way of looking at success. Queens are successful, for you to be a Queen you have to have some measure of success, people are going to be able to see you and say “yes, she is successful”, most queens will have those success metrics down. However, here is the challenge. When you are a Queen, you are working with cognitive intelligence, giving yourself the necessary advice. Most Queens lean on their resources - network, intelligence, savvy, vision - however, because of this they often never get external help.

Now, the Icon level which is the one above the Queen refers to one who is inspired, who is in divine alignment with God. The difference between the Queen and the Iconic Woman is that the Queen is the non-spiritual woman while the Iconic Woman is the spiritual one. Now, for many of us, spirituality is about praying, doing good, and going to heaven and you know this is true because we tend to pray and leave our issues at the altar but then we decide to do things ourselves because “prayer does not seem like a real solution”.

There are even spiritual women who are Queens because they are up at night trying to figure it out because you trust yourself to figure stuff out because you have done this before. You believe in God but you do not exercise this faith. The ultimate issue with being a Queen is that you are limited and you will run into a situation that requires an unlimited strategy and you will be stuck and overwhelmed. However, this is an opportunity!

When you come to the end of yourself, that is when you come to the beginning of God. Sometimes Queens come to that point where they cannot do anything and this is where God comes in! Every time I am meant to up-level, I come to a roadblock and I pray because that is all I can do, I tell God “Over to you” and then I wait, I thank God that all I can do is pray.

So, the ultimate difference between the Queen and the Icon is that the Queen is trying to handle everything and the Icon is not. The first issue with being a Queen is that there is a limitation, the second is that you get burnt out quickly. And you cannot tell anyone because as Queen you have such a sense of responsibility and you cannot tell anyone how bad it is. You do not even have the space to grieve.

You tell yourself the narrative of “I am the Queen” and you just keep moving because you believe this is the only way.

Now, I know the Queen is a feminine moniker, but this energy I am describing is a masculine one; it is directed, it is structured, and extremely focused. Feminine energy is nurturing, it is more about creativity, intuition, and flow. Now, for a feminine leader, the Icon is when you are leaning into your feminine, it is not passive, it is not weak. I say this because I have noticed that the conversation around “Femininity” invites women to leave the Queen persona and go into what I call the “baby girl persona” where she is the Princess who needs someone to take care of her.

And while there is nothing wrong with seeking a high-value man to take care of you, it just neglects the fact that we are called to be women of purpose because Femininity is not ornamental.

I think this baby girl persona exists because many women are tired of being Queens and having to take care of everything, they want someone to just take care of them. They want to be catered to and pampered and they are exhausted, and this is a key challenge of being a Queen. Now, the other challenge is that you may not be burnt out but you are in that masculine energy and you take this home or into your relationships and this causes you to struggle because masculine and masculine repel.

So, many women are willing to sacrifice their femininity because they are so exhausted. Being a Feminine being moving in Masculine energy will exhaust you, and you will be ready to sell your birthright - as Esau did to Jacob. And this is what you are seeing today with women being unaware of their purpose and taking on these perversions of femininity being offered to help “catch and hold on” to a high-value man. Alongside exhaustion, you can also get lonely.

So, here is what I believe God is inviting us to do - and this is a process I went through. I believe God is calling us to move from being Queens to the Icon persona where you get to lead with your femininity again because you are now in alignment with the Holy Trinity. Now, you do not have to shoulder the responsibility all by yourself, you do not have to do it all by yourself because you are operating based on grace, favor, faith.

When people operate on the Icon level, they are not striving! You see them do some things and then try to copy it but it will not work for you the same way because they are working in ordered steps. Their systems and strategies might not make sense to you because they are following a different blueprint.

Now, you are reading this because you are either in a season or about to enter a season where being a Queen will not be enough. To achieve that lamp on a hill level, you will need a different method, a different persona or you will completely burn out trying to achieve it. You could fall ill in every way: physically, mentally, emotionally because you are not meant to shine so brightly, you are not meant to be the light of the world by yourself. And if you have a relationship with God where you see him on Sundays and during prayers, but as far as getting things done go, you will be seeing it through by yourself, then you are not divinely aligned, that is trying to move parallel with God. You can not move parallel with God and achieve what He wants you to achieve in this next season.

You cannot take God on and take him off like a cloak, trying to do it all yourself because this will only burn you out. You will find yourself asking “Where is God?” And know that when you try to align with Him and then His way just looks strange to you, well do it anyway!

Divine Alignment is God’s way of making your success easier just by listening to his direction and doing something, even one so left field. In the Iconic Women Mastermind, I help women bring their original selves out even when it seems so out of reach. You reach a place of peace and effortless manifestation that just transforms you! When you get into the Icon persona, it changes you and you do what you are called to do. You cannot get to that next level as a Queen or an Icon!

So, if you want to enjoy the Iconic Woman experience, then I have something for you. Go to www.iconicwomanhood.com/beciconic we will have a two day experience (June 11th and June 12th) where Queens will come into their Icon Personas. And until May 15th, you get the early bird offering where you save up to $100.

For day 1 we will talk about activating your icon persona, we will start with dismantle all those blocks preventing you from getting to the next level of success. So, you can stop hustling and really start attracting and manifesting abundance in all aspects with ease. I will take you through the frame work for embodied Iconic confidence and how to get into divine alignment.

For day 2, I want to help you understand your unique value proposition so you do not ever have to worry about competition and you can become highly valued, highly sought after and highly compensated. It is critical to become and Icon so you do not keep hustling because in Queen mode, even at the top the hustling ever stops. I will also show you authentic positioning and packaging so you never have to resort to that sleazy stuff. And you will go through this process and mentors, clients and the best people will seek you out.

Now, there is a lot more where this came from! So to learn more, watch the replay of the live video here.


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