It is almost the middle of the year and soon we will be reviewing our vision boards and assessing our progress towards achieving the goals we set at the start of the year. 

We know that Clarity and the Right kind of vision are needed to achieve your goals, but could you be visioning wrong? A lot of people have the wrong kind of vision and this is what is holding them back.

In 2020 there was a pandemic and things changed. Many businesses were affected, however, despite all of that my business did really well, my clients had incredible successes, many of them have had promotions, business growth, and even relationship growth. And I have found that a major differentiator is having clarity of vision. The right vision is like the correct address, putting it in the GPS will find you another way so that you can recalibrate and pivot. So those who had clarity of vision were able to pivot and find different ways to achieve their goals. My business grew in 2020 because I pivoted, quickly. 

Now, let’s talk about some of the wrong kinds of vision. 

The first kind of vision that people that is the wrong kind of vision is this, and most people actually have this: they have complete clarity on what they don’t want. 

If you like this, you know exactly what you don’t want. You can visualize it, you say “I don’t want this type of business or person or relationship”. You actually use your words to talk about it over and over again and you have painted the picture so clearly. 

What you have done is you have complained about it. You have put so much energy into what you don’t want. I had somebody send me an email a long time ago and she sent me a long detailed email about all the things her husband was doing and how her marriage was not what she wanted it to be. So, I sent her back a simple response, I said “Tell me what the kind of marriage you want will look like” and she said, “I have never really thought about that”. 

So many of us spend the time focusing n what we don’t want, but whatever you put your energy and focus on, you are actually growing it in your life. This a true, spiritual law. Think about it because what you are doing is priming your subconscious to look for that thing, and the more you tell your story and say negative things like “This is how these men are” “Business is so risky”, the more you put more energy into it, the more you create them in your life. 

What you focus on grows. So if you don’t have a vision of what you do want, you tend to focus on what you don’t want. 

And it feels like you are doing something by focusing on what you don’t want but what you are doing is hustling backward. So, the thing to do is to really get clear on what you do want. Learn to vision! Have a vision for the rest of the year, because failure to plan is planning to fail. If you intend to just “see how it goes”, it will go. 

The second wrong kind of vision, which is also very popular, is focusing on other people. You are so focused on other people’s affairs, looking behind the scenes to see if they are actually lying about their success. 

I remember talking to a bright, talented, young man and I told him that he reminded me of this person who is much further ahead than they were and immediately he started to tell me “Oh, I know that person, I have studied his social media and his website” and he started to tell me all the things the person was doing wrong and why they are not as good as they seem. Now, this person in question was successful and he was just starting. And I said “If I were you, I will focus on what they were doing right and learn rather than dissect and try to look and see what they are doing wrong. 

So many people spend so much time looking at other people, and I know you do have to know about your environment and competition, but when you spend so much time thinking about other people, talking about them, looking at them. You are hustling backward! This is the wrong kind of vision and it will block you. 

Here is another way it will show up. If you are someone who loves giving unsolicited advice. It means you are not focused on your own life, you are spending so much time giving advice to other people and telling them how they are wrong when they did not ask you for it. Well, let me remind you what Jesus said, “Before you take out the speck in your brother’s eye, take out the log in your eye”. So, if you see a speck, there should be an awareness that you have a log so you need to draw your attention back to yourself. 

Someone called me a while ago to talk about someone close to them who was doing “something wrong” and the conversation went something like this.

Her: I think you talk to her

Myself: Why?

Her: Aren’t you concerned?

Myself: She is an adult and she has not asked me for my advice. If she wants my input she will ask me for it. But in the meantime, it doesn’t make sense for me to take Panadol (or as we say in the US, Tylenol) for someone else’s headache. She has not invited me to the table. She knows I am here for her and that is my job, but as an adult, she is entitled to bring me on board when she wants. And I have enough work of my own to go and create other people’s work. 

You have to get right vision. If you want to make your goals a success in the rest of the year, you have to stop focusing on other people are start focusing on yourself.

There are three more ways people vision wrongly, and I have talked about them on my Instagram page. You can watch the complete live video here. I hope you are making headway with your goals and I really hope you are visioning right!




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